Max L. Chapnick

Postdoctoral Teaching Associate in English; Northeastern University

Ph.D., M.A. English and American Literature, Boston University

M.A. Creative Writing, Victoria University of Wellington

B.S. Physics; B.A. English, Washington and Lee University

chapnick @ ; m.chapnick @ 

I teach college writing and literature as a scholar of nineteenth-century fiction. I've taught first-year writing, advanced writing in the disciplines, and courses that cover nineteenth and twentieth century literatures, environmental literature, science fiction, and political history. My scholarly work concerns the intersection of rejected knowledge (pseudo-science like mesmerism, spiritualism, and conjure), radical social movements, and transatlantic nineteenth-century literature.

Photo by Alyssa Stone/Northeastern University


Northeastern University, Instructor


Boston University, Instructor


Boston University, Teaching Assistant

Interviews & Recorded Presentations



Peer-reviewed Articles


Academic Editing


Short Forms in Refereed Publications

Public-Facing Work

Public and Creative Writing